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Business Generator Program - Apply by January 12th!

Turn your high-tech innovation into a thriving business with Aalto Startup Center. From hands-on workshops to 1-to-1 tailored mentoring, we provide everything you need to accelerate growth. Join our award-winning community of visionary entrepreneurs, investors, and coaching talents.
aalto booth at slush
You can find Aalto Startup Center in Slush! Come and tell us about your idea!
A text saying "Who can apply?" in white.

Onboarding to our program occurs twice a year, in early autumn and late winter, yet applications are accepted year-round and evaluated on an individual basis.

In other words, no need to hesitate – act now!

We are THE business accelerator for you if you meet these applicant criteria:

  • Your business idea is based on research / deep-tech innovation 
  • You fit the theme Tech for Sustainability and your idea is focused on improving sustainability in the areas such as human-centered living environments, advanced energy solutions, or health and wellbeing
  • You have a Finnish business ID (under 3 years old)
  • You have a scalable business model and a MVP / Proof-of-concept
  • You have a team of technical and business-oriented co-founders, minimum of 2 FTE 

    Apply now

Six reasons to choose Aalto Startup Center

How much does it cost and how long does it take?

Talk to our expert

 Joel Takala

Joel Takala

Business Advisor

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