Meet Nikita Akmaikin, D2XCEL's project coordinator

Read this 10-question interview to get to know one of the newest additions to the Aalto Startup Center team
Nikita Akmaikin - Aalto Startup Center
Nikita Akmaikin - Aalto Startup Center

1. Could you please give us a short introduction about yourself?

I am Nikita, I have joined Aalto Startup Center in May 2024 as a project coordinator for the EU-funded D2XCEL project. 

2. Can you tell us a bit about your professional background?

Ever since I came to Finland 13 years ago, I have been involved in startups, running my own and advising others. My journey includes owning a smartwatch business targeting the Kickstarter platform, scaling an IOT supply chain business for a large corporation, and acting as a productization advisor for several startups. For the past 5 years, I have been managing a variety of EU projects, including social development initiatives, IoT productization projects, and a project focused on advancing cybersecurity in strategic domains. I earned my master’s degree in industrial management to deepen my understanding of the intersection between technology, management, and strategy.

3. Can you explain a bit about your role at Aalto Startup Center?

I would say that my role involves horizontal management and ownership of various project activities in the D2XCEL project. This project is a scaling program that supports deep tech and digital ventures by connecting them with investors, lead customers, and industry networks. My primary goal is to leverage the knowledge we have at Aalto Startup Center, utilize our access to the pan-European network through the project, and to create meaningful ways for startups to scale effectively, ensuring they have the right resources and strategic partnerships to grow.

4. So, what brought you to Aalto Startup Center originally?

I was fortunate to collaborate with Aalto on previous projects, so I was already familiar with the team's spirit and their way of working, both of which are very important to me. When the opportunity with the D2XCEL project came up, it was an easy choice. The project itself was particularly interesting.

5. After a few weeks of working here, do you enjoy the experience? Which part is your favorite so far?

Yes, I absolutely do. The people here are fantastic, and the work is both exciting and important. Many great plans for the future.

6. What have you been working on recently?

Something interesting I’ve been working on with a team is analyzing market data from five industries to create Market Opportunity (MO) roadmaps. These roadmaps showcase specific market trends within each sector needed to help startups identify and take advantage of opportunities for growth. It’s a busy but really interesting task, where our team consolidates together a lot of data to give startups useful insights for their development.

7. What’s your preferred work style?

It’s a combination of everything. I truly enjoy working face-to-face with a team. Due to the nature of projects like D2XCEL, there is, of course, a lot of remote work needed, which I also like as it helps me concentrate. I also have a habit of having meeting-free days when I can fully focus on certain tasks.

8. Do you want to say something to our startups?

The startup world is a tough game. You have to take risks, learn to fail, and at some point, you'll feel rewarded for the hard work you've done. It’s all about the people you surround yourself with, so I hope that we at Aalto Startup Center can support you on your journey.

9. Any plans or goals for 2024?

My goal is to get the maximum out of the D2XCEL project for our Aalto Startup Center's operations. This includes bringing in new ventures, partners, collaborations and tools. It’s crucial to fully utilize the EU network we’re privileged to be part of and make the most out of it.

10. Tell us one thing about yourself that would surprise us

I have an 8-year-old axolotl at home.

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