
Welcome to From Ideas To Impact morning 5th of September!


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Between 8.30 – 12.00, Aalto Startup Center, 1st floor  
8.30 – 12.00
mini booth from Aalto Startup Center, Innovation Services and ESA BIC Finland
Target groups: all of our stakeholders or if your startup want to apply to Aalto Startup Center 
8.30 – 9.00 breakfast and “mingling” / networking
9.00 – 9.25  Event opening Janne Laine, VP, Innovation Ecosystem Services,
                   Panu Kuosmanen, Innovation Services
                   Marika Paakkala, Aalto Startup Centers
                   Kimmo Isbjörnssund, ESA BIC Finland

Showcases on the stage from Innovation Services, Aalto Startup Center and ESA BIC Finland cases (10 min. / team) – short pitch to audience

9.30 – 9.40 LignoSphere

Cured lignin nanospheres (termed lignospheres) are a new inexpensive and environmentally friendly class of biomaterial, which enables lignin to be used in large-scale applications in adhesives, coatings, and composites. Our spearhead product in this project is LignoSphere adhesives, most suitable for replacing fossil-based phenolic adhesives.

9.45 – 9.55 RANIOT Technologies

Connecting machines and systems at scale. Software-defined Networks for next generation Industrial IoT.

10.00 – 10.10 Zero Gravity

Zero Gravity Oy is building UrbanAI, a next generation software heavily based on satellite imagery data for smart cities, mobility and automotive with a team with roots in R&D, software development, data science and AI. Cities can become a tremendous source of innovation and of solutions against climate change. The mission of Zero Gravity Oy is to foster this innovation using satellite data technologies to help cities to reach long term sustainable development goals, become more eco-friendly and bring them actionable insights to help in decision making.

10.15 – 10.25  ZenTreasury

A platform for financial contracts. All-in-one accounting & portfolio solution for non-financial companies and accounting firms

10.30 – 10.45 Short mingling break


10.45 – 10.55 VIS

VIS (Vacuum insulation system) is a new kind of energy efficient, long-life-cycle construction solution made out of cost-effective and sustainable materials. VIS utlizes underpressuring to achieve super insulation and constantly dry and healthy conditions inside the wooden fram of the element. VIS-technology radically improve the efficiency of greenhouse cultivation in cold and hot climate.

11.00 – 11.10 AWAKE.AI

The newest team to join the European Soace Agency Business Incubator is a startup from Turku called is working on a smart port and ship plalform for the future of autonomous shipping industry.

They will enable automous ships to call at port by developing data standards, APIs datasetsand cloud services. Their ambitious goal is to be the world most trusted smart port and autonomous shipping platform and ecosystem.

11.15 -11.25  Inforglobe

web-based decision and analysis tools help you to explore different viewpoints easily in one living big picture, to do shared conclusions and wise decisions and to work together towards common goal.

11.30 – 11.40  CellFroth

CellFroth is a collective name for novel chemical formulation family developed in Aalto University, that are used to improve the performance of a mineral enrichment process called froth flotation. In preliminary trials CellFroth formulations have consistently outperformed current commercial chemicals, while also being more robust in terms of versatility of operating conditions in the process.

11.45 – 11.55 Aurora Propulsions Technologies

Aurora Propulsion Technologies joined ESA BIC Finland in 2019. Its focus is on creating integrated life cycle products to handle all CubeSat propulsion needs, including attitude control, orbital maneuvering and controlled deorbiting at end of their mission.

11.55 – 12.00 Thank you and have a nice day!