23 of Aalto Startup Center’s ecosystem startups are attending the Arctic15 event. Arctic15 is a Startup Investor Event and a meeting spot for startup entrepreneurs, investors, corporates and media from 60+ countries.
Who are you and what do you do?
Agate: Are you tired of the limitations of traditional imaging technology? Introducing Agate sensors – the game-changing solution that combines hyperspectral and regular imaging in a single platform. Our state-of-the-art technology is making waves in multiple industries, making it accessible to everyone. Imagine the possibilities – reducing food waste and alleviating food scarcity. Our sensors come in a range of sizes, from single pixel devices to full matrix devices, and are produced using standard CMOS production processes, making them both cost-effective and efficient. We are set out to revolutionize why, how, when and where we take hyperspectral images and utilize this data, creating insights beyond the visibleTM.
We are an Aalto University, Department of Electronics and Nanoengineering R2B project with a preliminary technology spinout time table of early Q1/2024.
What kind of team do you have at the moment?
Agate: We are today a diverse team of three persons with both business and research acumen with a combined relevant industry domain expertise (MBA, BSc EE Eng, PhD Photonics, PhD Nanofabrication) and knowledge of more than 60years. In our team we have expertise in entrepreneurship, business development, marketing and sales, fund raising, photonics, nanomaterials, nano device fabrication.
What is your innovation?
Agate: We combine the worlds of traditional RGB and hyperspectral imaging on a single chip, creating more than 1000 colors per pixel. Our patented sensor technology enables an industry leading spectral bandwidth combined with a laboratory grade spectral resolution capability in a small sized package comparable to your mobile phone camera sensor. We are leading the imaging technology disruption, bringing hyperspectral imaging capabilities into your palms, drones, cars and industrial equipment.
What kind of problem does your innovation solve?
Agate: Our technology overcomes the current technology adaption barriers preventing hyperspectral imaging technology from becoming a mass-deployable mature technology, such as weight, cost, power consumption and performance. This allows us to start to consider totally new use-cases, applications and products utilizing hyperspectral imaging based data. These new product categories can be found within drones, smart agriculture systems, XR, remote sensing, military, security, quality control, preventive maintenance, medical diagnosis , autonomous vehicles and mobile devices.
What is your idea’s impact for society?
Agate: Hyperspectral sensors can contribute to many large scale sustainability problems across our globe, such as reduction of food waste, pollution monitoring, invasive species monitoring, counterfeit products identification, and identification security. Our technology disruption allows us to democratize the use and utilization of hyperspectral data, enabling all of us to use and utilize this powerful tool to create a better world for our coming generations.
What are your main Sustainable Development Goals and why?
Agate: We are committed to:
SDG 3 – Good Health and Well-Being*
SDG 9 – Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure*
SDG 13 – Climate Action*
*Source: United Nations: sdgs.un.org/goals
What are you currently looking for and what are your next steps?
Agate: We are looking for both investors for our upcoming seed investment round as well as application development partners interested in utilizing our sensor for creating new valuable and state-of-the-art products and applications utilizing hyperspectral imaging data.
Currently we are making great progress on the sensor development from single pixel devices to small matrix sensors at the same time that we are engaging with customers starting to establish the first Letter of Intents for our pending startup company.
Read more:
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/company/agate-sensors/
Twitter: @Agate_sensors