
Seasons Greetings from Aalto Startup Center

2020- What a year we had! Despite the ongoing global pandemic Aalto Startup Center expanded its international operations this year by starting new co-operation programmes and projects.

Korean Startup Center

This summer we signed a contract with the Korea Institute of Startup & Entrepreneurship Development (KISED). In September we hosted a 7-day pre-program for 18 HealthTech South Korean startups out of which 10 were selected to our virtual 10-week training programme.
Our common programme is called Korean Startup Center aiming to launch these teams at the Nordic and European market. KISED has launched similar programmes with different focuses in the United States, India, Singapore, Sweden and Israel. We are happy to be part of this wider international partnership and we are bringing along our Finnish networks.

EIT Urban Mobility

Our business advisor Bengt Forsström started coordinating the North Hub of a European-level project EIT Urban Mobility. In that project, we work closely with the cities of Helsinki and Stockholm as well KTH Innovation in Sweden. This project is looking for innovative solutions that cities can benefit from when they try to decrease the number of emissions from traffic. The project is creating piloting platforms where cities can test new innovations. In addition, this project is looking for innovative green ways to organize transportation for people and goods.

R2B Pre-accelerator

This year we have been looking closer at Aalto University research projects in order to find potential Research to Business companies (R2B). Together with Aalto Innovation Services, we have been providing research projects tools for looking at their innovations from a business perspective. In addition, we also offer R2B companies the chance to join Aalto Startup Center for one or two years to develop their business operations further.

You may have noticed that we have been working closely with Aalto University master’s students of design. We have embraced talented designers who are contributing to our daily processes. They have become a part of our daily processes with their ideas and they have helped our companies in integrating design to all operations.

We have been offering virtual services for years. However, responding promptly to this year’s special circumstances, we transferred all our services online. We have been supporting and maintaining our community spirit online and will continue to do so until it is safe to work together at Aalto Startup Center again.

Hoping to see you all soon in person.

Have a relaxed Christmas holiday and lots of new ideas and energy for 2021!