We introduce you to Anne, one of the newest members of the Aalto Startup Center team. Learn more about her with this 10-question interview!
1. Could you please give us a short introduction about yourself?
My name is Anne Rinne and I am Project Coordinator at ESA BIC Finland.
2. Can you tell us a bit about your professional background?
I graduated from Aalto Business School where I studied Business Law and International Design Business Management. Bachelor studies in Metropolia Business School focused on Leadership and Organisational Development. During my Master’s studies, I also took part in Ignite, the student startup accelerator. Previously I have worked in companies that have focused on organisational culture and financial services. Right before coming to Startup Center, I worked as a Patent Coordinator at Aalto Innovation Services. I have also been self-employed for 15 years and lived and worked in Sweden and Norway.
3. Can you explain a bit about your role at Aalto Startup Center?
I am focusing mainly on ESA BIC Finland activities, such as reporting, collaboration with cities, and team selections. Responsibilities at ASUC revolve mainly around invoicing.
4. So, what brought you to Aalto Startup Center originally?
It was a smooth transition from Innovation Services to ASUC.
5. After a few months of working here, do you enjoy the experience? Which part is your favourite so far?
I enjoy the passionate environment. Learning from others and together as a team is something that I love.
6. What have you been working on recently?
We organized the Tender Evaluation Board in Tampere at the end of November, so I was working on the program schedule and prescreening applications at the Tender Opening Board.
8. Do you want to say something to our startups?
Looking forward to meeting you!
9. Any plans or goals for the coming 2023?
The main goal is to get new startups to join the ESA BIC Finland and ASUC programs.
10. Tell us one thing about yourself that would surprise us!
One thing about me that rare people have known is that I used to make a true crime podcast. The name of the podcast you have to ask in person but I was really positively surprised how many streams the episodes got without any marketing. I am still planning on doing at least one and final episode.
- Feel free to reach out Anne, or other members of the team, here: startupcenter.aalto.fi/contact
- Learn more about Aalto Startup Center here: startupcenter.aalto.fi/about-us
- Learn more about ESA BIC Finland here: