
InnoEnergy to boost Finnish energy innovation

Aalto University has become a member of the European EIT InnoEnergy network. InnoEnergy works to develop innovative novel sustainable energy solutions and products.

For researchers and businesses at the Aalto University community, InnoEnergy offers partnership, support, accelerator programmes, market expertise and funding to commercialize early stage innovation from lab to market.  The network includes 360 organisations from around Europe: businesses, universities and research institutes. Aalto University hosts three other European Institute of Innovation Technology (EIT) innovations communities at its campus: EIT Digital, EIT RawMaterials and EIT Climate KIC.

Aalto Startup Center is proud to be part of the InnoEnergy network. We coordinate theFinnish operations of  KIC InnoEnergy Highway program for startups with ideas based on sustainable energy innovation, and The Innoenergy Boostway for sustainable energy startups entering the growth phase.


Sten Persson and Markus Berglund from InnoEnergy Scandinavia (Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan KTH Stockholm) visited Aalto Startup Center earlier this week to tell about the programs for Aalto Innovation Services and to meet startups and research innovations in the energy field.

If you are interested in the programs’ business possibilities (grant support, capacity-building, coaching& mentoring) either as a startup or as a researcher, please contact advisor Ville Luukkanen to get things started!

Read the full article about Aalto University and InnoEnergy cooperation on