We are happy to invite you to meet our startups, learn about our future plans and enjoy good company and delicious refreshments!
The event is open house styled so you can join us any time between 14 and 17.
How to make it happen? Sessions in the Pitching area (program subject to change)
14.30 ASUC Alumnus Urakkamaailma (Kalle Koivuniemi): From startup to exit – How to make it
ASUC startups: Autonappi.fi, MyAgent, Innoduel, Floud,Teraloop
XAMK Break-in-the-Desk Sharing experiences of international project, where artists and creatives make interventions to companies, who have proposed challenges for them.
15.30 ASUC Alumnus Richen (Fredrik Siren): From Pilots to deals – How to turn pilot projects into real deals with big corporates
ASUC Alumnus San Fransisco Agency (Juhani Polkko): How to make it happen – Startup marketing & PR for Global Growth
ASUC startups: LAC Camera Systems, MyAgent, Floud, Teraloop
16.30 ASUC Alumnus Riskpointer (Pekka Honkonen): From corporate to a startup – How to build a software business from scratch
ASUC startups: Wellmo, Floud, Teraloop
Come and enjoy spring time and upcoming summer with new and old friends!
You can stay tuned for updated program info on our Facebook event.
This event is part of Aalto Festival 2017.