
Evaluation of pre-commercialisation activities of Tekes – TUTL and Innovation Scout

Business FInland has published an evaluation study, with the purpose of analysing the results, relevance and efficiency of TUTL and Innovation Scout activities and producing recommendations for the future.

Tekes (now BusinessFinland) has had an important role in  enabling establishment of new business from research at universities and research institutes in the form of “TUTL” funding instrument, standing for “New
knowledge and business from research ideas” and operating since 2012. “Innovation Scout” has worked as an incentive for universities to add
focus and build up competencies in research commercialisation
and technology transfer.  Aalto University has received Innovation Scout funding, as well as 57 TUTL funding projects (until 2018).

Now, an evaluation report of the pre-commercialisation activities has been published. You can download the full report here.