Blockchain workshop by Chainfrog

The matchmaking trip to Tallinn was kicked off with a blockchain workshop, led by Chainfrog’s Director of Sales and Marketing, Meiss Marten.

The walkthrough of the blockchain technology was quick and efficient, as normally, the startup’s workshops take 4 to 6 hours and now there was only one hour to go. Chainfrog received the first blockchain-based patent in Finland gained just a day before the event so the presentation was on point!

The group was divided into teams to further discuss the application of Chainfrog’s blockchain tool Blockbinder. The first team identified the healthcare sector as the main common interest. Soon, also the main problem was defined: real-time data and issues with sharing patient information from legacy data bases for healthcare personnel. For example, in accidents the first aid helpers on the scene could be able to provide vital information about the patients’ records and their condition. Now, the reporting is done manually on paper and information might be left out and/or arrive late for effective impact.

Blockchain applications could help in collecting real-time data from the first aid helpers’ actions, as well as combine the patient’s legacy data to ensure the best and quickest possible care for the patient. The main issues which the group identified in this process are:

  • identification: how to make sure who the patient is
  • authorization: who is able to see the data
  • sharing data between authorities: systems are currently in silos

The main customer for this would obviously be the government, ministry of health and/or ministry of internal affairs. This could also be applied as an EU level process. The main users of the application would be various health and social care employees: First aid, Fire and rescue departments, police, hospitals, even child care and elderly home care units. The main related apps could include for example, real-time traffic data, suomi112 and ActiveMedi.

The second team concentrated on building lifecycle management (inspired by A Grid construction process). Managing the lifecycle of a building is a long and complicated process, and currently requires accessing, storing, and manipulating data from a large number of databases, all of which have their own formats and access control mechanisms.

Concrete examples below ordered by timeline (from idea to decommissioning):

  • Building permit (municipal authorities)
  • Planning documents (architecture company, electrical drawings)
  • Financing the project (bank)
  • Construction, project management, subcontractors, agreements, offers, control
  • Facility management (access control, key management)
  • Renovations, offers
  • Tax authorities

In practice, the most advanced electronic format nowadays is a printed and scanned PDF document which is used to transfer data from one database to another. Perhaps with Blockbinder technology this interim step could be removed — and the time savings could be used for more better resource allocation

Other teams handled health data from patient’s point of view and possible blockchain applications for service. The workshop was an excellent dive into the world of blockchain, which is so much more than you would first think. Thank you Chainfrog and Meiss for the wonderful work!

You can find the full presentation of the workshop materials in Slideshare. Chainfrog has also published a free e-book about GDPR and its relation to blockchains – a must-read for us everyone.