Research fellow Raimo von Hertzen
Case profile
A new type of jaw crusher has been developed in Aalto University. The advantages are significantly lower level of noise and vibrations. A patent application has been filed and a model kit has been constructed.
The aim of the commercialization project and timetable
The team is planning to finance the commercialization project by applying for TUTL (New knowledge and business from research ideas) funding instrument provided by Tekes. If the financing is obtained, the project will take place between 5/2014 – 11/2015.
TUTL is one of the three funding instruments that Tekes offers to research organizations and universities. During a TUTL project the project group prepares the commercialization of a research idea. The aim of the project is to produce a new start-up company or alternatively a new business area for an existing company. More information from Tekes’ webpages.
Startup mentor profile
The ideal person should have experience in mining and/or mechanical engineering. Knowledge of startups from relevant fields is an asset.
NB. This is not a consulting assignment.
Check the startup mentor concept from the following link.
Did you get interested?
Apply in Boardio. Innovation Services will contact the suitable individuals personally.
Enquiries: Head of Innovation Services Matti Korpela, Please send your possible enquiries by email.