
Digital games in real sports and entertainment environments


Aalto Game research group

Case profile

The aim is to create new a game and learning platform for sports and entertainment. Our system combines video projector and body tracking for interactive graphics, which can turn e.g. a climbing wall to a huge videogame. We have a proof-of-concept that can be built into a product.

The aim of the commercialization project and timetable

The team is planning to finance the commercialization project by applying for TUTL (New knowledge and business from research ideas) funding instrument provided by Tekes. If the financing is obtained, the project will take place approximately between 7/2015 – 6/2016.

The startup mentor acts as commercial support for the team. The ideal person is capable of creating guidelines for commercialization strategy and implementing them. This gives an opportunity to be a member in the startup team.

TUTL is one of the three funding instruments that Tekes offers to research organizations and universities. During a TUTL project the project group prepares the commercialization of a research idea. The aim of the project is to produce a new start-up company or alternatively a new business area for an existing company. More information from Tekes’ webpages.

Startup mentor profile

We assume you have solid background in crunching financial numbers, developing a sustainable business models, and ready to do legwork around the world. Active sports background is a bonus!

NB. This is not a consulting assignment.

Check the startup mentor concept from the following link.

Did you get interested?

Apply in Boardio. Innovation Services will contact the suitable individuals personally.

Enquiries: Head of Innovation Services Matti Korpela, Please send your possible enquiries by email.