Aalto University signs letter of Intent for industrial cooperation in Brazil

Brazil is Finland’s biggest trading partner in Latin America. The Brazilian market offers considerable opportunities for Finnish companies and Finnish innovation in both digital economy, bioeconomy and circular economy and the defence sectors.

A part of the Industrial System, along with the Brazilian National Confederation of Industry (CNI), the Social Service of Industry (SESI) and the Euvaldo Lodi Institute (IEL), the National Service of Industrial Training (SENAI) is renowned as a model of professional education and known for the quality of its technological services that promote innovation in the Brazilian industry.

On November 12th, 2021 on  a visit to Brazil,  Minister of Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade Ville Skinnari, Aalto University and SENAI-SP signed a Letter of Intent to promote mutual co-operation in the fields of industrial entrepreneurship and startup acceleration. In addition to Aalto University’s Aalto Startup Center, VTT, Nokia and Business Finland signed their own separate Letters of Intent with SENAI in order to initiate and facilitate discussions between the parties. According to the preliminary plan, the co-operation is aimed at a mentor exchange program between the countries and help startups with the so-called soft landing.


SENAI –  (Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Industrial. In English: National Service of Industrial Training) was founded in 1942 and 55 million professionals have graduated from SENAI. Currently, SENAI’s eight hundred and nine (809) mobile and fixed operational units throughout the country receive more than 2.5 million applications for around three thousand (3000) courses that prepare workers for 28 industrial areas. Courses range from professional learning to high school degrees, and even include college and graduate degrees.


SENAI also operates a certified network of 208 laboratories that offer technical and technological services to companies throughout the country. In 2011, this network serviced more than 18 thousand companies, and 139,149 services were undertaken to support industrial innovation and technological development.



For more info, please contact:

Marika Paakkala

Head of Aalto Startup Center

+358 40 829 2286



SENAI Delegate

Gerência de Inovação e de Tecnologia

Avenida Paulista, 1313, 1º andar – Bela Vista – São Paulo – SP – 01311-923

(11) 3146-7256


Email: glaucofae@sp.senai.br