
Aalto Start-Up Center news November 2017

There's a lot going on in Aalto Start-Up Center at the end of this year. To mention a few: Slush, our 20th year anniversary, moving preparations and a renewed website!

There’s a lot of things going on in Aalto Start-Up Center at the end of this year. To mention a few:  Slush, our 20th year anniversary, moving preparations and a renewed website!

One of the most important events in the Northern European startup scene is the annual Slush event, taking place on November 30th-December 1st this year. We will bring a selection of our startups as well as Aalto research-based startups to the Aalto University stand. More details on the startups and the schedule will follow later on, but you are welcome to meet us any time during the event!

We also celebrate our 20 year milestone with a reception alongside Slush. The invitations have been sent out a while ago, but should you have missed it, please inform our team and we will be happy to forward the invitation.

Our move to the new growth center hub, A Grid, in Otakaari 5 is approaching fast. We will also revamp our services portfolio to help our startups develop even better and faster. To complete the new profile, we will also have our website renewed. The updated site will be published during November but please bookmark the new address already now: is the site where you will find us in the future!